Welcome to…

Where coaches sharpen their skills, build their confidence, and gain coaching mastery via live practice with other coaches.

• 15 Coaches (maximum)
• Twice-Monthly Sessions
• Grab Your Spot!

Season 1 (Spring 2023) begins March 15th, 2023

Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
• 9:00am Pacific. 12:00pm Eastern. 17:00 GMT.
• 2 hours per session


Get Ready to Take Your Coaching To The Next Level!

Welcome to Coaching StudioLab, a coach-to-coach playground dedicated to the development of your coaching mastery. We are a community for coaches who want to build their confidence and take their skills to the next level. Coaching StudioLab is an online group experience and is open to coaches across the US and beyond.


As coaches, we practice in isolation. We may be doing amazing work with our clients, but our ability to gain meaningful, objective, real-time feedback is highly limited, as is our ability to learn new techniques and approaches that might serve our clients better. The Coaching StudioLab is built to address the challenge that every coach faces, bringing fun and energy to the vulnerability of having others witness you coach.


The Coaching StudioLab will help you level-up your coaching and feel more confident every time you enter a session with a client. It is a supportive community environment that will stretch your comfort zone in pursuit of coaching mastery. You’ll refine and deepen your skills and receive live, real-time feedback from other skilled coaches. 


In each session you will “play” with a group of other coaches by practicing in full group and in triads. You will observe others and be observed by others, providing feedback in both directions. You'll get to experiment with new techniques – without using clients as guinea pigs ­– and continually improve to stay at the top of your game. You'll gain a deeper understanding of your coaching strengths and growth opportunities, and you will walk away with new insights into your coaching style, new ideas and approaches honed by others, and greater confidence and excitement about your practice.


Qualifications for Joining StudioLab

The Coaching StudioLab is designed to provide growth and expansion of coaching competence and confidence for all participants. To ensure that all participants are bringing a foundational level of practice, we have established these minimum requirements.

1. Have a coaching certification from a well-established program (or approved equivalent)

2. Have been working with paying clients (or as part of a full-time job) for a minimum of 12 months

3. Have a current, active client roster of 5 or more clients


how it works

The Coaching StudioLab meets twice monthly for 2 hours (6 Sessions per quarterly Season; 24 sessions total in 2023). Each session opens with a 30-minute, workshop-style masterclass on a specific coaching skill – for example, Bold Coaching, Working with Metaphors, and Skillful Interruptions. We then go into breakouts to do "real-play" coaching, and take turns being Coach, Client, and Observer. We reflect and analyze each session for what was effective and what could be improved. And we'll close with a group debrief of key takeaways. 

what it costs

All participants begin their journey with a 3-month (6 session) initial commitment. Thereafter, coaches are considered Alumni and secure a reduced 3-month rate. Alumni can rejoin the StudioLab at the beginning of any month, as long as there is space available.

  • Initial 3-month participation (Six 2-hour sessions): $300 per month

  • Subsequent 3-month participation (Six 2-hour sessions): $250 per month

what you'll get

Greater confidence every time you sit with a client: Being witnessed and given feedback by other great coaches will make you feel more confident that your unique approach is all it takes to be your best.

New skills and insights gained from observing others: If you’ve ever asked yourself “I wonder how other coaches would handle this,” you’re in the right place. Expect to leave every session with new insights and skills that come from witnessing other coaches meeting the same challenges you do.

A community you can lean on long after you depart the StudioLab: It’s hard to build relationships with other coaches since we practice in isolation. The shared vulnerability, playfulness and generosity of the StudioLab virtually guarantees that you’ll leave with colleagues who are there for you whenever you need advice, insight or a collaborative partner.

Pride in yourself: It takes wisdom and guts to acknowledge that there is always room to improve your game. You’ll feel a deep sense of pride after every session because you have stepped into the challenge of becoming better, for both yourself and for your clients.


Meet David and Kelby, your Coaching StudioLab leaders

The Coaching StudioLab is a playground for coaches. And every playground benefits from good oversight. Enter Kelby and David.

With years of coaching both clients and other coaches, David and Kelby bring structure and vision to running the StudioLab. They will provide the context for the coaching skills being explored each session, and they will moderate the peer coaching and follow-up conversation to support rich knowledge sharing and participation.

Both Kelby and David are highly intuitive and keenly sensitive to their clients’ needs, and they look forward to bringing their distinct but complementary approaches to this group.